Sunday 18 August 2019

Acknowledging the dark side of Neurodiversity: the sociability spectrum

If the "Neurodiversity Movement" is to mature and be taken seriously, it must acknowledge that neurodiversity includes all humans, including those with extreme anti-social conditions

Perhaps it’s time we recognized there is also a Sociability Spectrum: ranging though sociable, asocial, anti-social

I am referring to what psychologists call the Dark Tetrad: Psychopathy, Narcissism, Machiavellianism, and Sadism

These personality traits are considered to have substantial genetic components. One thing is sure, these conditions can't all be the fault of bad parenting, trauma or societal barriers

While the neurodiversity movement grew out of the pioneering Autism Self-Advocacy Movement, Autistics were already acknowledging what they called "Autistics and Cousins" though I don't remember  this going much beyond ADD and dyslexia. But the question of hereditary anti-social traits could not be completely swept under the carpet even then:
Autistic villains have been identified too, but out of a desire to avoid further stigmatization, autistics tend to play them down. AS people are beginning to debate and formulate a response to the linking of certain types of crime with “loners”, and to argue that simplistic conflations of good/evil with certain varieties of disability cannot be made.
I think the time has come now that autism has enough recognition, acceptance and sympathy that we can debate these matters openly.

In no way does the reality that there is a human spectrum of social, asocial, and anti-social behaviour undermine the significance of the Neurodiversity Movement.

While Neurodiversity is the indisputable fact that no two minds are alike, the Neurodiversity Movement is the first global movement to address this reality from a social justice perspective.

Like any movement, the movement may attract a few fringe elements who want to see Neurodiversity either through rose tinted glasses or through the darkest of glasses.

But the sensible mainstream movement simply seeks

  • a re-evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of all Neurological Minorities who have been marginalized by purely negative views of human divergence, and
  • greater emphasis on acceptance and inclusion to the greatest extent possible
  • and for the support needs of all to be met, whatever the degree of disability

Neurodiversity, being a biological descriptor of all humanity, is amoral. But human society must be moral and ethical to be sustainable. .

Those who are socially responsible must always strive to include those who are asocial, reform those who are anti-social, and for those who cannot be reformed, we have a criminal justice system.

Oddly enough, we still have a society that seems to reward psychopaths, narcissists and machiavellians with high office and wealth.

Perhaps greater Neurodiversity awareness will cause educate the public to recognize such people and cease rewarding their behaviours

But that is another story...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Judy thank you for your insights, as usual you are curious and respectful without trying to gloss over issues.