... and phobic about a Yankee gutter tabloid journalist, but who cares about him? Not giving him oxygen. And I only respect the pronoun choices of people who respect me, not those who seize the opportunity to clamber over me up the greasy pole to academic glory.
NB, I am not an and academic, had no desire to be
In retrospect if this is how vicious academic competitiveness gets, I think I made the right choice.
What do you make of Walker, a man with a shaved head which arrogantly proclaims his sex, who then demands to pene-trate the ranks of womanhood and dictate his "pronouns" at us.
And who then tries to destroy the reputation of the actual woman who pioneered his field? (For those who don't know, that is verifiably me, in a 1998 academic thesis).
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Any psychologists care to comment? |
Sure, Walker did an impressive job of unpacking the density of meaning coiled within my coinage of Neurodiversity. And I have huge respect for that. Especially as his accuracy proves that the concept was lurking in the Platonic realm with a specific meaning all aonge, waiting to be constellated by the right person in the right time in the right place.
Why was that me? Because I was at the very intersectional node of everything to channel it. This is not being "mystical". I just happened to have the misfortune to be at the intersection of a lot of disadvantages, female, working class, refugee, nerd, outsider, and no I am not "white", Jews are only "white" when it suits Christians to call us that. As my mother discovered in Auschwitz, being the only one in her family to survive, and bring me into a world of trauma. . . .
Thus sensitized to oursiderhood and injustice, I find myself in a Jonah and the Whale situation, and it is absolutely not a pleasure.
But I can only guess that it must have been painful for Walker to think he was pipped at the post. I sympathise, but his response has been unforgivable.
And how would I be "transphobic", when I have been a champion of the value of diversity? Trans people and I lived in different subcultures and our paths rarely cross, (except in musical theatre). And not to mention that I marched with Gay Liberation in the good old days of the 60's. But I can't take care of all the world's ills.
Also a reminder that I as am not of Christian heritage and don't buy into the Christian binary of Good and Evil. And if you are of Christian heritage, even if you don't identify, you may be unconsciously influenced by binarism...
Global gender diversity
So if you are a White (ie Christian) and unaware you are not the centre of the universe, you may not know that there are many culture that recognises more than 2 genders. Especially among many indigenous peoples, whose beliefs are actually based on living on actual indigenous land, not on the heritage of Roman Imperialism (origins of Christianity, ICYMI) .
Did you know that the Talmud recognises up to 8 genders, all with their own names!
My post which is claimed to be "transphobic" was NOT based on binarism, but on my cultural background and my other major in Anthropology (the study of all humanity), which I much preferred to sociology (actually the study of Western society). From which I learned that the binary was not "normal" or "natural" it was a Western consutruct.
The biological reality is that Trans"women" may either be biological male or intersexual. Biological males can never be women. But instead of digging their heels in, they might learn from non-binary cultures, and make up a new appellation for themselves. It's not hard to do. I don't care if I'm bragging, but when there is no name for an emergent social/cultural phenomenon,except a derogatory one owned by the dominant culture, make up your own. That's what I did with "Neurodiversity".
I have made it perfectly clear that I am no Pollyanna who believes everyone is inherently "good",
But I do strongly believe that society has a responsibility to find a niche for everyone, even if that niche is protective custody.
We all partake of the 7 Deadly Sins. But of then, Envy is the deadliest.
Can it be possible that Chapman and Walker, presumably insane with jealousy because they coulda, shoulda, woulda come up with Neurodiversity, but didna, have kept picking at the wound until they came up with a strategy to destroy my reputation.
And they managed to persuade a couple of second fiddles to accompany them. Sadly one of them, a woman, has sent me shockingly vicious letters, presumably based on misinformation someone fed her or social media scuttlebutt..
And then this crew duped a reputable journal Sage into publishing their confabulations, which were craftily garnished with impressive quotes from important postmodernist (or whatever the latest fad is) theorists.
I've long believed that the backlash to all this kind of overreach by a small fraction of an already small minority would lead to the election of Trump.
The analysis I'm reading is that sadly, I was right.
Anyway, I am in my mid 70's now, and I'm over their envious bullshit, but not till I have refuted it in the name of intellectual integrity, and the fightback against Fake News
Nuff said.
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