Defamation and Libel: the price of fame

The price of fame is almost inevitably


And from Envy comes Defamation, Libel and Slander. 

There is a difference between Ethical Critique and Defamation. If in doubt, see

My rivals have extracted a heavy price. It has taken me 7 months at time of this post 15/12/2024 to refute their scurrilous and defamatory attacks on my reputation. Not being a billionaire or a corporation I cannot afford to sue a major multinational publisher, unless some altruistic lawyer wants to step up to the plate. I have been subjected to the following libellous attacks via:

Martijn Dekker was the owner/convenor of the InLv egroup, a support group for people on the autistic spectrum as we called it. I was a participant, and with permission interviewed some of the members who provided some of the data for my Honours Thesis in which I coined "Neurodiversity". Dekker was a computer programmer, and judging by his memoir, has no understanding of sociological research methods, or the rigourous ethical standards sociological theses are subject to.
It is important to note that InLV was not the only Autism egroup I was a member of. I was a member of about 7 support groups, including several I founded myself, both local and online. 

2.  Sage Publications 

The highly-rated Sage Journals:Autism has published an "Open Letter" authored by a group of 6 Northern Hemisphere authors, Botha, Chapman, Walker et al. Their letter seeks to downgrade my contribution to the Neurodiversity discourse. Their so-called "correction" is anything but, being riddled with falsehoods. 
The following post is intended to correct their erroneous so-called "corrections".
Sage Journals publish defamatory allegations by Chapman, Walker et al  A copy demanding redress, an apology, and a removal of the article will be sent to the publishers.

For a detailed paragraph by paragraph breakdown, essential reading for all commentators, see.

3.  Transphobia libel 

My 2 main academic rivals,Dr Robert J. Chapman and "Prof"* Nick Walker identify as transsexual.   

See: I'm not transphobic,  I am linguaphilic.

  • While I can sympathise with men who don't "feel" like they are men, the word "Woman" is historically reserved in the English language. Any minority who wants to empower themselves need to own their own name. That is why I came up with "neurodiversity":  to empower us and get away from the medical model's list of everything that was wrong with us. 
  • The sexual binary is not 'natural". It is a cultural belief particular to Christianity Many other cultures recognise more than 2 genders and they all name themselves. My article gives examples. Biological males can enter women's spaces by invitation only. I suggest an adaptation of the indigenous definition of "who is indigenous".  Only women get to define who is a woman.

Dramatis Personae

Robert J. Chapman
 Still young enough not to
hide behind an avatar 


A philosophical moment from the ancients

The price of fame is Envy.
The most dangerous of the 7 Deadly Sins

I looked for Renaissance paintings of Envy
but, surprise (?),  all of them showed women! 
So in the end I turned to Socrates
and made him fit for purpose.


* Scare quotes because Walker's honorific is bestowed by a "new age" type institution. 
   I don't believe in them but it's up to you.


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