Wednesday 18 March 2020

Warpies and Wefties of the World, Unite!

Everybody knows that there are just 
two kinds of people in the world, right?  But what are they exactly? I submit ...

Warpies and Wefties

Yes, it is one of those absurd, over-generalised binaries. But bear with me, because you will find that these are binary opposites that unite us rather than divide us. Thus I submit that they are a great metaphor for building harmony between different Neurotribes whilst avoiding medicalised jargon.

I base my argument on 

The Art of Weaving 

(as Social Metaphor)

 "Warp" and "Weft" name the the diametrically opposite threads on a loom, which, when interwoven, create infinite varieties of fabrics

Weaving is arguably humanity's oldest technology, one that combines Art and Usefulness.

And one generally associated with the Feminine, which doubly appeals to me.

And thus Weaving might just be both an adaptable and enduring, metaphor for creating harmony in these fractured times

But before I extend the metaphor to humans, a brief ...

Weaving Basics
for novices

  • Taut fixed threads
  • Provide structure
  • Limited colours

  • Threads at 90°
  • Provide variability
  • Many colours


  • Intersections create virtually infinite variety 

A tangled useless mess

Infinite potential

Now take the quiz! 

Are you a Warpie or a Weftie?

If inclined, do take this well-meaning, if totally unscientific test. If you are perfectionist like me, you will complain bitterly that the test lumps together adjectives that are unrelated and doesn't reflect your uniquely fascinating characteristics. Just do it anyway. 

How to score:

Afraid I haven't figured out how to setup a quiz on blogger, so you will need a writing implement...

  1. Rate each item 1 to 5 from "Not at all like me” to "Totally me"
  2. Subtract the Warpie total from the Weftie total
  3. Warpies will of course have a negative value but only for linguistic reasons - i.e. warp usually precedes weft in English usage. No negative aspersions intended. On the contrary, the point is to show we need each other.




Provide the backbone of society: Create, maintain and perpetuate social structures

Provide adaptability for society: Weave through established social structures, experimenting, creating change


Pride themselves on being orderly, predictable, responsible, reliable, prudent

Pride themselves on being change agents, brainstormers, creatives, subverting ossified cultural mores


Vertical: prioritize staying in stable employment and rising  through the ranks. Will build up an upwardly mobile CV as they progress

Horizontal: In traditional jobs, may move in and out of work, with a patchy  CV: From billionaire innovators, to social security recipients


Security, stability, promotion. May be willing to sacrifice intellectual and  moral freedom for career

Flexibility, autonomy. Unwilling to compromise intellectual and moral freedom for career


Accumulate money due to stable  employment, prudence,  build up retirement funds

Boom and bust, may end up millionaires or penniless at retirement, and even homeless:


Tend to stable upwardly mobile relationships and marriages

Relationships tend to be less stable, often de facto


Consider Wefties to be erratic, untidy, unpredictable, unreliable, self-indulgent, lazy

Consider Warpies to be authoritarian, controlling, boring, dictatorial


Dream of throwing it all away and becoming beach bums and artists. Rarely do it till retirement, when they splurge on travel

Dream of getting through just one structured day perfecty:rising early, getting chores done,  having regular mealtimes, sleeping by midnight. Rarely achieve it


Not spending more time with family, being creative

Not building a career, not paying attention to accumulation


Weftie freedom and creativity

Warpie wealth and status


Cognitive profile fairly level across strengths and weaknesses

Cognitive profile "spiky" across strengths and weaknesses


Morning people: regular sleep patterns

Night owls:irregular sleep patterns, insomnia­

Why is this a good metaphor for society?

Warp and Weft, separated, are weak and useless

Warp and Weft, intersecting, are strong, and have infinite potential 

Their strength as a metaphor is that unlike the ND/NT divide, they do not oppose each other nor diverge in a different direction, perhaps never to meet again. They separate off, but only to meet again in a constructive fashion.

Warpies and Wefties intersect and create the fabric of society

They do not divide society

They construct society together

We need each other!


This is not intended to replace the Neurotypical/Neurodivergent binary which is a necessary advocacy tool. I intend it as an affectionate, plain English form of self-identification for the people it suits.
The description will obviously fit many who have been the object of prejudice in work and education. It is obviously not a "disability label" though there maybe obvious overlaps with neurodivergent conditions

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